Development Assistance Removing/Changing a string variable

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by skittishtrigger, Feb 15, 2015.

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    I have an issue where a plugin will not/does not/or was designed to to do a specific task I wish to do.
    The scenario is using a command block to issue a command which doesn't work. After checking the console it says command can only be ran by in-game players. After no success in finding a fix or alternitive program to do what I wanted to do I decided to change the program myself. The server is a vanilla bukkit server running 1.8.1 and the plugin in question is wirelessredstone. The line or lines associated that I want to change/remove is
    19: ldc #8 // String Only in-game players can use this command.
    or at least anything this answer responds to. Any ideas or directions you can point me too?
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    Um, so you want to remove a bytecode instruction...? Seems like more than necessary for what you want to do.
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    Since I am extremely new (This issue prompted me to try and figure out some plugin coding) I do not even know enough to know which question to ask, hence the "Any ideas or directions" part. But I personally see no other options other than changing the string that calls to bring that message (Only on-line players may use this command) to something that can also be run from the console (which should enable it it command blocks also). But, once again I don't know enough to know if there is a better solution or the one I proposed is a viable one.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives.
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