Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BetaNyan, Nov 4, 2014.

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    BetaNyan I think you'd make a cuboid-like check method. Get top-left and bottom-right locations, and check if the location is inside those two. Just like that, cubic .distance checks!
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    I don't like getting "spoon-fead", or spoon-feading others just like the next guy, but how would I even attempt that?

    I can get the block, how do I get the blocks around it?
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    You can create two vectors (points in this case) that you want to define as a rectangle, then use isInAABB(Vector, Vector) on them (the actual name escapes me right now, but it's something like that) on the Vector that is the location you're at.
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    BetaNyan Personally, I don't care about spoon-feeding. If someone doesn't get it, wouldn't it be faster to just show them? Anyways, back on topic:

    1. Location original = <ORIGINAL LOCATION>;
    2. Location topLeft = original.clone().add(10, 5, 10);
    3. Location bottomRight = original.clone().subtract(10, 0, 10)

    That code will give you three locations, all properly named. Then, to check if a location is inside:
    1. Location in = <INPUT LOCATION>;
    3. boolean checkX = in.getX() < topLeft.getX() && in.getX() > bottomRight.getX()
    4. boolean checkY = in.getY() < topLeft.getY() && in.getY() > bottomRight.getY()
    5. boolean checkZ = in.getZ() < topLeft.getZ() && in.getZ() > bottomRight.getZ()
    7. boolean inside = checkX && checkY && checkZ;
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    for (int x=player.getLocation().getX()-(distance/2); x<=player.getLocation().getX()+(distance/2); x++) {for (int y=player.getLocation().getY()-(distance/2); y<=player.getLocation().getY()+(distance/2); y++) {for (int z=player.getLocation().getZ()-(distance/2); z<=player.getLocation().getZ()+(distance/2); z++) {
    if (new Location(player.getLocation().getWorld(), x, y, z).getBlock().getType() == Material.STONE) {
    //stone found within distance
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