Reliable Multiple World Inventory Plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by effortless, Jul 18, 2012.

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    Hey guys,

    Looking to seperate inventories between worlds for a new 1.3 world, but I've heard of inventories being cleared and such on various plugins.

    Keeping inventories separate is important for us for this new world, our server does slow down on a large amount of players (70+) so we need it to be capable of running through that, and of course not be able to be glitched.

    Has anyone been running such a plugin for a while? Is there a rock solid one?

    Thanks guys
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    Multiverse-Inventories. Works like a charm.
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    Been really cautious about adding this onto my server, but after testing several edge cases and possible plugin conflicts, I went ahead about a month ago with Multiverse-Inventories. I've had absolutely zero issues and it's been wonderful. That said, I'm using the latest dev build (#168) and never used the "official" build on the devbukkit site. (which is currently still build #126) I'd recommend doing the same.

    I've found it helpful to familiarize myself with how it works internally, though, so you don't run into trouble/conflicts. For instance, it really only switches inventory on world change.
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