Filled Region flag add on. Permission node entry.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PhillyCheezsteak, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: World Guard Region Permission Add On

    What I want: A region flag that allows players with a certain permission

    Ideas for commands: Something like this
    /region flag <region name> permissionaccess <permission node>
    (Players without that permission node cannot enter the region)

    Ideas for permissions: None. It would be just like another flag.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible please.

    So for example say if I was creative a region called Test. I would be able to set a flag that would be like adding members to a blocked off region, but it would check if players have a certain permission.

    Example: A player with the permission node Test1 can walk into the region named TestRegion1 since they have the permission node. A player with the permission node Test2 cannot walk into the region TestRegion1 since they do not have the correct permission node, but they are able to walk into any region with the Test2 permission node set up.
  2. I do not know if this is challenging, but it would be an amazing thing to have. I would really appreciate it if someone can please make this :)
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    Ask the Developer of the plugin
  4. JordyPwner
    I tried to, but no response. I tried a while ago. I have seen people make add ons for worldguard requests before. I do not know how complicated it would be to make this plugin request, but it would be an amazing plugin that would allow amazing customizing with groups and permissions.
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    PM The Developer
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  7. DotDash I will try that thanks. Hopefully I get some kind of response lol
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    PhillyCheezsteak you can let people in based on their group already with world guard if thats what you want
  9. 15987632 Does it work with group manager groups?
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  11. DotDash Am I able to add multiple groups in a region?
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  13. 15987632 That can actually work. Thank you so much. I am going to research that now.
    15987632 likes this.
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    PhillyCheezsteak from the bottom of here

    Setting Groups

    This does NOT refer to a permission group. It refers to region members/owners (which can contain permission groups).
    See below for an example on how to set up entry/exit flags.
    Flags can accept a group parameter, set with -g (e.g. /region flag <region_ID> <flag> -g <value>), that specifies which set of players are affected by the flag (this only makes sense for flags that affect players). Right now this setting is ignored by most flags. Only the entry and exit flags are currently guaranteed to be affected by the group parameter.
    Note: If a flag is set to Allow, it will allow ALL regardless of the group setting.
    Possible values for -g are: members, nonmembers, owners, nonowners, or everyone.
    If editing regions.yml directly, the values are: MEMBERS, NON_MEMBERS, OWNERS, NON_OWNERS, or ALL.
    If group-owners and group-members are not working, give each group the permission "group.<groupname>" i.e. The group "citizen" would be given the permission group.citizen, and can be added as owner/member of regions as g:citizen.
    Child regions inherit Parent region Owners and Members, regardless of priority.

    /rg flag <region_ID> entry deny
    /rg flag <region_ID> entry -g nonmembers
    Deny entry to anyone who is not a member (or owner).

    /rg flag <region_ID> exit deny

    /rg flag <region_ID> exit -g nonowners
    Deny exit to anyone who is not an owner.

    /rg addmember <region_ID> g:Builder

    /rg addowner <region_ID> g:VIP
    Add the "Builder" group to members and the "VIP" group to owners. If the two examples above have also been applied, only Builders and VIPs would be able to enter, and only VIPs would be able to exit. All other groups would be denied entry.

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