Region Blocker

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by LaughNgamez, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Offline


    This is a plugin that would give several features that bind with world guard.

    teleport players logging into set world guard regions
    /loginblock add [regionname]
    /loginblock setspawn [regionname] (where it takes players who logged into said regions)
    short commands
    /lb add [regionname]
    /lb setspawn [regionname]

    This would make it so players who do things like log out to avoid part of a minigame will be kicked from it when they log back in.

    Teleport all players out of a region with the command
    /regionclear [regionname]
    /regionclear setspawn [regionname] (where it takes warped out players)
    short commands
    /rc [regionname]
    /rc setspawn
    Set regions to warp players out when they enter a region

    Sometimes as a server owner when players run into something I am building it gets annoying, this would allow easily clearing of players in certain areas.

    /regionwarpout [regionname]
    /regionwarpout setspawn [regionname] (sets where it takes players to when they enter an area)
    short commands
    /rwo [regionname]
    /rwo setspawn

    This would make it so when a player walks/falls into a region they are teleported to a defined area.
    For example someone falls off a parkour and you want them to warp to the start.

    #4 (optional)
    In this version of world guard when a region has entry flagged to "deny" but they are already in the region they can still walk around. This would give an option to make it so players cannot walk around in flagged entry deny regions like it used to.
  2. I can do this!

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