Reflection is giving me attitude.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by pie_flavor, Dec 21, 2015.

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    So I am using reflection to make a way to run any Java method from a Minecraft command. I am running into trouble however. Even though my /constructor command functions virtually identically to my /method command, it keeps giving me a NoSuchMethodException even though a method that has the exact same arguments doesn't. Here is my code. Pls halp.
    Also, don't tell me my code is stupid. I know my code is stupid.
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    Can I just ask, what is the purpose of this? xD, (I ask because I understand things better when I know what it's for)
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    @WolfMage1 The end goal of this is to have a plugin where you can do anything at all. Basically everything doable with Bukkit, controllable by commands.
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    Are you sure you entered the method name correctly?
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    Actually, it was the /constructor command that was giving me attitude. I said /classname ItemStack org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack, /classname Material org.bukkit.Material, /enum sword Material DIAMOND_SWORD, and then /constructor stack ItemStack sword, at which point it give me a NoSuchMethodException. I also tried the constructor for PotionEffect.
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    Your String classname returns null, thats the problem
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
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    @WolfMage1 Except it doesn't. I definitely put something there.
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    yeah ignore that post, I did something wrong xD perhaps this might help?
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    @pie_flavor, can you print out the get methods array to yourself and find out why it isn't matching? I've used reflection with specific method names before and everything must be perfect in order for it to work.

    PS. This is why you are always supposed to avoid reflection unless absolutely necessary. It works perfectly, but can be confusing.
    WolfMage1 likes this.
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