Redoing server, need to know what plugins to use

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Acoustic, Mar 25, 2012.

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    After many threads I have come to the conclusion I need to redo these plugins to accomplish what I thought would be a simple task. Here is what I need

    Permissions plugin (don't care which one) that gives me:

    Member(default): Can't do anything except for what the plugins intended them to do. No banning, kicking, ect. Only building and such.

    Moderators: Can do what members do plus can kick players and whitelist players.

    Admins: Can do what mod does plus promote players and demote them plus have the ability to ban players.

    I have no cheat as a cheat protector

    Block control to stop everybody from using fire and all that jazz.

    Factions. Don't want members to be able to make them, only mods and admins.

    A chat program that ties in group prefixes (mod/admin), faction tag, has a local chat, faction chat, and a global chat.

    Anyone care to help?
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    well for chat, permissions and spawn control download essentials.
    For block control and fire spread and tnt etc donwload worldguard also you need worldedit for this (seek youtube for help if you need it)
    For factions there's a plugins called factions
    hope i helped ;)
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    Don't use essentials. Awful advice.

    You should use CommandBook + PermissionsEx + WorldGuard

    Not sure what to use for factions, never dealt with that.
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    I disagree with MonsieurApple. Essentials works perfectly fine for making it so people cant use TNT, or lava, flint and steel etc. It also lets you make it so fire doesn't spread. Permissions also works perfectly for your group permissions you want.

    Also, both are working great with the Dev 1.2.4 build.
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    Guys, I am already using Factions, and BlockControl to stop things like that. I don't like essentials and worldedit/guard because they add so many things to the game that I don't want to mess with in terms of commands and permissions.
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    Allthrough essentials is inferior to commandbook, command book does not have permissions based help. For example, if someone could only do /kill and /help using permissionsex, command book would still display most of the help entries.
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