Realistic Economy

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by shooter9898, Aug 29, 2014.

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    I have a great idea for a realistic economy plugin for all roleplay economy type servers.
    If i could code i would put in a real time stock market based on the businesses that other players make, and of course the ability for players to create their own business with the ability to hire, fire, and pay workers. Maybe even give workers raises. Maybe there could be some sort of salary like minimum wage and things like that. The ability to branch your company or business to smaller ones, or even sell it to make a profit.

    I would also think that a nice addition would be taxes on players and businesses. The ability to go bankrupt or succeed to a multi-million dollar company.

    Let me know what you think, or what you would add and if you would make it.

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    Well, it seems like a good idea, and several ideas similar to this have popped up on here in this past, and I always wonder several things: What defines a company/business? How would businesses make money? Do business produce a service or product? Why would anyone work for someone else when they could easily just make their own business?
  3. shooter9898 I may make this I like the idea. It will take a while because it is big but I will do it!
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    How would define how much stocks are worth for each company and like stated above what defines a company and what services do they offer?
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    Just like real stocks, it all depends on how much the comany/business is doing. If good then the stocks go up, if bad well then down.

    Awesome! Thank you! Do you have an idea of how long it would take?

    A company or a business would be defined as someone who starts some sort of sale of service or product in return for in game money. Businesses would make money by, customers purchasing whatever they have to offer. They would produce a service, product, or whatever the owner wishes. Someone would work for someone else because you should make it somewhat challenging to run the business or company and therefore they could start off, just making some money. Or if they liked the roleplaying aspect.

    [edit by JaguarJo: merged posts.]
  6. Offline


    Awesome! Can I use the plugin too? I always wanted a plugin with companys
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    robin2310 Everybody can use it when there is a download link

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