RCON legacy - Utility for remote management of the minecraft server with the user interface. What is it created for? # For convenient server management # What are the advantages over other similar utilities? # Beautiful interface, in the style of the Metro, in the early versions before 1.2.3 was Material. # # UTF-8 support, correct display of russian symbols. # # Saved Servers (Favorite) # # Support all colors of minecraft. # What are the disadvantages in it? # Not support others systems, linux, etc... # Bugs, temporary not fix. # It lags for 30 to 40 seconds if the password is incorrect. # And so everything is fine. (Click on links, for see screens of RCON.) Menu " http://www.fotolink.su/v.php?id=149c6396423e94a02d9aa7cb744c4620 " Menu in work " http://www.fotolink.su/v.php?id=5f3115661404e849220eedc36e5427e8 " Super secret window " http://www.fotolink.su/v.php?id=e24ad6ab7cc292b67258cbc1ec9ede15 " Sorry for mistakes in the text, I'm writing with an interpreter (Russian to English.) Ohhhh... Download please ... CLICK P.S LINK DIRECT, ONLY FRESH UPDATE, THE LINK DOES NOT CHANGE.