Ranking GUI

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 14505Alex, Jul 1, 2019.

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    So I am a dev for my server and when I start ranking staff I don't want to have to type in /pr set [name] [rank] over and over again. So can someone make a plugin where I can type something like /rank [PlayerName] and a gui comes up with ranking options? I want it to also be where I can add all of the servers custom ranks. But I want it where like Head Admin might be an Emerald. So if you make it so I can config what ranks are where I want it to be something that is nice and easy to understand! Thank you to any devs that are reading!
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    @KarimAKL Ok, I will add that then. The version is 1.12.2, the plugin name is legit the title(Ranking GUI). And I want to be able to config permissions but if I don't config it I just want OP to be able to use it.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
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