
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Davegun, Nov 24, 2012.


Do you think this is a good idea?

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    Plugin category: Mobs

    Suggested name: RandomMobEcounters

    What I want: You can select a area and in that area when players is near by there is a chance to spawn mob(s).
    In the config you can change how likely it his for a type of mob to spawn, for example 50% not to spawn anything, 20% for a group of angry wolves, 20% for a slimes and 10% for a witch

    Ideas for commands: /RME select
    /RME spawnmobs on/off

    Ideas for permissions: a permission if you are allowed to make RME areas

    I think this would be great for RP servers.

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