Web Query a Minecraft Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by TNTUP, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Hey, imma present my query tool I did. Query a Minecraft Server.

    Yah you can query minecraft servers that has "enable-query=true" to get this tool to work.

    I'll show you how to get it working. You have a server and you want to know how many players are online. You need the server's IP and PORT. Eg: example.com and port 25569. then you can choose the mode you want. Actually theres 4 modes in. It includes the premium account checker (using minecraft.net's haspaid checker) if premium it will be in green, non-premium is red.

    [​IMG] Mode 1 shows player heads
    [​IMG]Mode 2 shows player full body
    [​IMG] Mode 3 shows chibi players (Credits to tyzoid for this!)
    [​IMG] Mode 4 shows upper body

    You'll notice in the TAB title (I use chrome) so you'll see "Players x/x" Nice eh? :p

    Well I'll use this server to test out the query. IP is s.rightawake.com on port 25580. The server has 20 slots and 2 players online. In the tab it will show "Players 2/20" and showing player heads + name.
    (Atm theres none online)

    But if you have the server's IP, you can try it and see whos are online. But if you get "Cannot recieve challenge" means their server has query disabled. Sorry.

    Wanna test it now? http://query.rightawake.com/

    IRC Channel:
    Wanna come in meh channel? For questions, suggestions or what, idling? Hop on irc.esper.net #queryMC

    Saying "tnt" will ping myself, dont expect an immediate answer, I could be busy/away/offline ;)

    xPaw for the Minecraft Query script
    clone1018 for the Minotar script
    tyzoid for the Awesome Skins

    Wanna contribute it by donating or adding a mode? PM me for details... a mode that my script doesn't have. (Suggested script must be available as source code or PM the script to me)

    I dont usually ask for donations, for this just PM me for info.

    Changelog (open)

    UPDATE #7 (2014/1/21 @ 02:46 EST): Added a new mode, 4, that shows upper body players. No its not signaturecraft's, its served by the minotar file itself (did it myself to get this to work!)
    NOTE: Currently its not in the dropdown menu, atm theres image errors, thats because the requested skin already exists and the cache needs to refetch it in order to regenerate requested mode. You can try this by adding &mode=4 in your address bar. Notice errors. That should be solved by refreshing the page. Cache files are kept 24h. Sorry for the inconvience

    UPDATE #6 (2014/1/20 @ 22:56 EST): Added server icon in favicon site. While querying the server, theres chances to see their icon in your tab (Chrome, FF or IE). Also added transparency for embed purposes.

    UPDATE #5 (2014/1/16 @ 23:47 EST): Added compatibility to 1.8 future skins, so body, Left/Right Arms and Left/Right Legs helms are now visible! Check it out on Mode 2! (The player must have the 1.8 skin to see it)

    UPDATE #4 (2014/1/9 @ 15:42 EST): Added option to disable names, tooltip shown on hover. Simply check the Disable Names and click OK! or add &notext=true.
    Added text field to specify size or add &size=

    Suggestion by turkeybird90

    UPDATE #3 (2013/12/9 @ 15:48 EST): Added the Server Version in the title tag. Now the Query will tell which server version you're querying. (Eg: 1.6.4 or 1.2.5 x) )

    UPDATE #2 (2013/12/1 @ 02:49 EST): Updated Mode 3 (AS 1.1 to AS 1.2). Thanks to tyzoid. The "hat" parameter has been added in the query script so your players that has a helm in their skin will show now.

    UPDATE (2013/10/5 @ 21:50 EST): Added the "size" parameter. Try adding &size=64 you'll see smaller heads. Just note longer names will make spaces between player heads. Though this size parameter is only applicable on mode 1 & 2

    PS: My english sucks so sorry for bad grammar.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  2. Offline


    Looks really good, good job to the contributors as well. The English is fine also :eek:
  3. Offline


    Thanks :p Without those tools this thing wouldn't exist
  4. Offline


    Too big? I could make them smaller if you want, I can add the $size function if you want custom sizes (only applicable to Mode 1 and 2)

    You can get xPaw's on his github. Thats where I got his script https://github.com/xPaw

    Yeah Cravatar ones but I prefer generated heads from my webserver. McLive refused to share the perspective code. I mean I prefer to have scripts hosted on my webserver. If he doesn't want to share, I use it then... I just wish if I can just have the perspective one. not the full code. I guess its using ImageMagick params?

    IanSzot I added the size option, if you wanna try, add &size=64 and it should be fine. Just note longer names will make spaces between player heads.

    EDIT: about teh Cravatar, I dont rely on 3rd party services :I Sorry
  5. Offline


    Planning to add another mode 4, waiting frdmn for this. Couldn't contact McLive for the "perspective view" so frdmn is working on a similar one.

    Probably Mode 5 too, a combo head + body inside with an outline. Awaiting response from the author.

    EDIT: Still no answer from McLive, and frdmn script is working well, now getting the helm support.. oh well XD

    tyzoid is working on it so idk... Although Supermamie's one is nice but theres something I dont "like"... you notice the edges aren't smooth and sizing is like bigger if set to 32.. I mean size 32 should give a 32x32? (Mode 4)

    The author of the combo (achievecraft.com) refused to share code, so Mode 5 can't be possible (unless I use their service, again I dont rely on 3rd party service).
  6. Offline


    !!! Update !!! Mode 3 has been updated to AS 1.2 by tyzoid. Thanks! From now on, the AS 1.2 adds the "hat" parameter, the script shows player bodies with "hat" and "new" enabled.

    Let me know if you want an option to disable "hat". I don't see a problem adding that.
    tyzoid likes this.
  7. Offline


    You should just query my servers directly. I've got them ready and load-balanced for a reason :)
  8. Offline


    okay ^^
  9. Offline


    Added the Server Version in the title tag. Now querys will say which version is the server Eg: 1.6.4 or 1.2.5 x)
  10. Offline


    Uhh. I see no source?
    I don't see how this is useful if we can't use this for personal development.
  11. Offline


    My Query thing is based on xPaw's Minecraft Query.
  12. Offline


    Any chance of getting source code for "Full body feature" ?

    i'm having real serious problems with hosting MCHeads, iv'e gone through 2 paid hosts and one free host, the paid hosts were total crap, none of them ran MCHeads correctly, the free host ran it correctly but it would crash if RPs would go over 700
    So, what host do you use for your version of Minotar?
  13. Offline


    Uh well the full body thing is from clone's minotar script, but it seems he never did it :confused: how the hell the minotar setup has it??? You can get the source from his github.

    Its hosted on my dedicated server, Apache. Hope it helps!
  14. Offline


    Oh wait so it's not in PHP? oh well, too bad :(
  15. Offline


    My setup is PHP, now actually its written in GO. Sorry ;(
  16. Offline


    Actually i just wrote the same script myself in PHP x3 http://mc-heads.net/player/Mister_Fix/16
  17. Offline


    nice :p
  18. Offline



    Added option to disable names, tooltip shown on hover. Simply check the Disable Names and click OK! or add &notext=true
    Added text field to specify size or add &size=

    Suggestion by turkeybird90
    turkeybird90 likes this.
  19. Offline


    Update: Added compatibility to 1.8 future skins, so body, Left/Right Arms and Left/Right Legs helms are now visible! Check it out on Mode 2! (The player must have the 1.8 skin to see it)

    BugFix: /player/ returns white image or nothing, this has been fixed, my mistake. Tried adding something else but it failed, I removed it but forgot to replace values before. If you have whiteskins, Either wait 24h so the cache will refresh or PMing me with the minecraft username and ill delete the cache so it will refresh itself.

    EDIT: Added transparency if embed on server sites.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  20. Offline


    Added server icon in favicon site. While querying the server, theres chances to see their icon in your tab (Chrome, FF or IE)

    NEW: Added Mode, 4, that shows upper body players. No its not signaturecraft's, its served by the minotar file itself (did it myself to get this to work!)
    NOTE: Currently its not in the dropdown menu, atm theres image errors, thats because the requested skin already exists and the cache needs to refetch it in order to regenerate requested mode. You can try this by adding &mode=4 in your address bar. Notice errors. That should be solved by refreshing the page. Cache files are kept 24h. Sorry for the inconvience.

    (SORRY my english sucks!)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  21. Offline


    source code for icon.php plez?
  22. Offline


    Thats from xPaw Mister_Fix :p I tweaked the script in order to fit my needs :3

    Router has crashed, switched to another router. IP has changed, Please wait teh DNS refreshs. Sorry for the inconvience

    Report issues you may encounter, heh I hope I can solve them :p

    EDIT: DNS got refreshed, should work now

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  23. Offline


    Just a question, if servers uses it... like via iframe or somesort of include thing, Am I allowed to add a section with server name and IP? And link if provided...

    Cause I know 2 servers are using it, either if not they're added in my tntup.me's site, since it uses my Query Script with my Avatar API.
  24. OMG, OMG! I was trying to find a feature like this for ages! Thank you so much for making it possible!!!
    Now I can make it work on my forum, which doesn't allow php scripts!
    Thank you so much!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    TNTUP likes this.
  25. Offline


    ^^ No problem! Glad you find it useful ;)
  26. Offline


    So far I bet theres 4-5 servers using this on their website. I'm unsure if Im allowed to list them here..
  27. Is there any problem with this? :(
    It says "Server is unreachable." Hope will be fixed soon!
  28. Offline


    Check if your server has the query enabled, check the IP and Port. Probably the IP has changed, port or query is disabled. Can you PM me the server that you tried to query?

    By chance, check the query.port, maybe its on another port?

    EDIT: I forgot that, is the server working? I mean if its online (accepting players)

    MrsMeowys Have you figured the issue yet?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  29. Oh I am sorry, the server was online at the time, forgot to point that out.
    Today it's working fine, but I realized it's not working as smooth as before, sometimes just goes off, most of times works fine though.
    I will PM you my server and website I am using it! :)
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