
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Invenstory, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. Offline


    Hello bukkit developers!
    I wonder if you could make another plugin for me! :3

    Plugin name: PvPPoints

    What this plugin supposed to do:
    When you kill a player you will earn points

    Version: 1.8

    • /pvppoints - pvppoints.access (showing your current points)
    • /pvppoints give %player% %amount% - pvppoints.admin (giving points to a player)
    • /pvppoints take %player% %amount% - pvppoints.admin (taking points from a player)
    • /pvppoints reload - pvppoints.reload (reloading the config)
    • /pvppoints help - pvppoints.admin (list of commands)

    Points received from kill: '&a&lYou received x%amount% &a&lpoints from killing %player%'
    Points received from command: '&a&lYou received x%amount% points'
    Points taken from command: '&c%player% &7took &cx%amount% &7of your points'
    Points taken: '&c-x%amount%'
    Your Points: '&7You current have &ax%amount% &7points'
    Reload: '&aReloaded'
    Points give to: '&7You gave &cx%amount% &7points to &c%player%

    #Amount of points you will take by killing players
    amount: 1
  2. Offline


    There are plenty of plugins like this that already exist. Did you not try them?
  3. Offline


    I will claim this project. Does a player loose points when they die?
  4. Offline


    i didn't knew it....
    like plugins with the same commands?
  5. Offline


    Not /pvppoints, but something close. I might just make it anyway since it doesn't take too long.
  6. Offline


    hmm something like /points?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2018
  7. Offline


    Question: What happens if you remove more points than they actually have? Negatives, just go to zero, or give an error and do nothing?
  8. Offline


    basically i want to make a point shop with DeluxeMenus
    when the player wants to purchase something that costs 300 and he doesn't has 300 points
    he will get a message &c&l(!) &cYou don't have enought points
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2018
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