Promote in a group ladder

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TitaniuMark, Jan 20, 2019.

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  1. Offline


    Currently I am trying to create a Permission plugin but... i have a problem:
    I don't realize how to make the "Group Ladder" aka [Inheritance] promote command...

    This is the code that create the "inheritance" config:
    public class Inheritor implements CommandExecutor {
        private File hre;
        private FileConfiguration cfg;
        private RipHudRanks plugin;
        private File_Players players;
        public Inheritor(RipHudRanks plugin){
            this.plugin = plugin;
            this.hre = new File("plugins/RipHudRanks", "InheritanceList.yml");
            this.cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(this.hre);
            if (!this.hre.exists()){
                }catch (IOException e){
        public File getGroup(){
            return this.hre;
        public FileConfiguration getCfg(){
            return this.cfg;
        public void saveCfg(){
            }catch (IOException e){
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender cs, Command cmd, String label, String[] arg) {
            if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("inherit")){
                List<String> inh = getCfg().getStringList("Inherit." + arg[0]);
                getCfg().set("Inheritor." + arg[0], inh);
                cs.sendMessage("Now, the group: " + arg[1] + " is inherited to group: " + arg[0]);
            return true;
    Now.. I have a total of 3 configs:
    player.yml *
    - It store players with their
    - Groups
    - Permissions (separately from the group defined perms)

    - It store groups with
    - Perms
    - Variables

    InheritanceList.yml *
    - It store groups that inherits another groups
    so.. if i type /i staff admin
    the group admin will be an object on the ladder "staff"
    /* the group "def" was inserted there first */
    It will look like that:
            - admin
            - def
    Now... I have a player called "Elite" assigned to group "def" ,
    How do i replace the [players.yml > Elite > Groups > "def"] with the next group in the list "staff"?
  2. @TitaniuMark

    If I read your question, it looks like you want to modify the config of player 'Elite'. Is that really what you want to do?
  3. Offline


    Yes ... I want to modify the config of player 'Elite" relyed to the "staff" ladder on Inheritance config....
  4. @TitaniuMark

    Ah, now I realize what you are trying to do and why.
    I think you can load the list of the ranks with something like
    Then use the indexOf method of that string list with the current rank. If it is 0, player already has max rank. If not, the new rank should be list.get(index - 1);

    Then change the value in your players config and save your players config.
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