Pre build realism

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by elias79, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Here is my idea

    When you start a new map, you can not punch tree logs but you can break leaves and they drop
    sticks (drop chance 0.5) put 4 sticks in the inventory and you get one wood plank, then you can use the wooden axe to cut the logs.

    A more advanced version would be to forced to make an wooden shovel to get stone cobblestone from the gravel (drop chance 0.25) then make a stone axe to cut the logs.
  2. Offline


    Hmm, I thought I'd responded to this previously but I can't find my post....

    Most of this can be done with OtherDrops (you'll need to find a different plugin to allow you to craft the wood plank from the sticks).

    An example config for OtherDrops (something like this anyway - tweak to your leisure):

        - tool: HANDS
          drop: DENY
          damageattacker: 1
          message: "Ouch, that hurt - perhaps try using an axe?"
      # for the advanced version:
        - tool: WOOD_AXE
          damagetool: 5
          message: "Crunch! You dinted the tree but just ended up damaging your axe - perhaps try a stronger one?"
        - tool: ANY
          drop: STICK/2/40%  # 50% seems a little high, but you could change this as you like
        - drop: STICK/2/10%  # keep a lower chance here since leaf decay happens a lot
      # for the advanced version:
        - tool: HANDS
          drop: DENY
          damageattacker: 1
          message: ["Ouch! Stop hitting the dirt and use a tool!", "Ouch! The stone hurts - use a pickaxe!"]
        - tool: WOOD_SHOVEL
          drop: COBBLESTONE/1/25%
          message: "Woah... that gravel holds together remarkably well - almost like cobblestone."

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