Portals to another servers

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ^w^Nick^w^, Jun 28, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I've always wanted a portal to another server.

    What this is:
    If you're too lazy to quit the server and join another server, then you can create a Lapis portal that will teleport you to another server!


    Example config:
    Name: PVPRealm
    Port: 25565

    Crafting a portal:
    Create the portal with lapis blocks exactly how you would build a nether portal (with all 4 corners).
    Then, place a sign in the middle of the portal that reads:
    (Server Name)
    To teleport to MinionLands, you must right click the sign. You will always spawn at the spawn set in the server.
    Version and Permissions:
    Version 1.5.2, 1.6 and higher
    pts.*: Access to all commands
    pts.use: Access to teleportation to server
    pts.create: Access to creation of portal

    Release date:
    July 6 - July 9

    Do servers need this plugin for its success?
    No, you can freely teleport instantly to another server.
  2. Offline


    This looks like it might be really complicated, I doubt that anyone here will be able to make this as a bukkit plugin. I would suggest using something like Bungee if you can, but there may be someone here willing to create it for you.

    I am just saying this to let you know that this IS very complicated and I do not believe that it is possible to do this in a bukkit plugin (I could be wrong, or maybe you would need to access Minecraft source).

    There are tools that can do this, like bungeecord, so I would look at those to see if you can use them. If you can't then someone here might be willing to create it for you.

    Note that bungeecord isn't a bukkit plugin or associated with bukkit at all (I don't think it is anyways), so it isn't a bukkit plugin and bukkit hasn't looked through its source to make sure that it is safe.
  3. Offline


    Bungee is not a plugin, and it would most likely take much longer than someone to make another. Bungee took a very long time and is probably one of the only public reliable programs that works.

    But yea, Bungee is a program you run on its own and is not put into the plugins folder.
  4. Offline


    BungeeCord is the best way.
  5. Offline


    I don't see a possible way to do this. :confused:
  6. Offline


    After thinking about this more I think it would definitely be impossible to make this as a pure bukkit plugin that connects to another server that DOESN'T have this plugin and isn't in offline mode. This is because the plugins don't get to get the authentication of the player, and if the other server isn't in offline mode, you need the player's credentials to connect to it. Also this may be impossible even with something like Bungee to connect to a non-offline-mode server because of the way that minecraft's authentication protocol works.

    It IS possible without a custom client, it ISN'T possible to connect to another online-mode server. The server you are teleporting TO has to be in offline mode for Bungee and any other system to work.

    I didn't ever say anything with being impossible without a client mod... I was just talking about the servers.

    Ok! I agree with you that it is possible to do it without a client mod! But it is almost impossible to do in a bukkit plugin. And it is impossible to do without having the target server in offline mode.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  7. Offline


    However bungee manually does the authentication so it does not matter
  8. Offline


    Ag, I guess my information was old XD. When I last checked it didn't :p. Sorry :p.
  9. Offline


    Use BungeeCord or Lilypad. No need to recreate the wheel. Locked.

    No, Lilypad does authentication, and allows you to use online mode. BungeeCord *can* but doesn't force it.
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