
Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Binner_Done, Sep 7, 2015.

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    Hi there people of the Bukkit Community! I'm thinking about starting Plugin Development but I have no clue how, does anyone know of any good tutorials and/or how they learnt how to code a plugin. It would be nice to have some ideas, Thanks. Jack
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    @timtower Urm.. not really no *By that I mean not at all XD*
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Binner_Done In that case I will point you here:
    Using Bukkit to learn Java is something that has been tried before but it never works out that well.
    Learn the basics of Java first and then start looking into how to use Bukkit
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    @timtower okay, thanks, I will start that soon!
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    After learning java (As @timtower said) you can start watching or reading Plugin tutorials and go from there. In any case do NOT watch a channel called "TheBcBroz" it is responsible for teaching new developers wrong practices and give them false ideas, me and a lot of other active members are strongly recomending NOT to use this chanel.

    Good luck :- )
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    I started out using PogoStick29Dev, and I haven't really seen much in the way of errors or bad habits in his code, what do you think of him? Just note that his tutorials are a couple years old, but he is making a new series now.
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    @henderry2019 Well i consider him to be one of the best out there. He has been doing it for a long time and started with proper "teaching" and although outdated, it isnt bad at all... it becomes obvious that the guy knows java and is not just another fame seeker as TheBcBroz is, Dont deny it. if they cared about doing a proper job, they would have taken down the videos that are COMPLETELY rubish and would have at least reuploaded the same content done properly.
    Yet, they insist on staying simple and delete negative comments or comments aimed to correct them. That i call censorship...
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    I personally think videos aren't the best. They don't explain. They just show.
    timtower likes this.
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    @teej107 I know, but Pogo does do a decent job of explaining. Plus if you were to pick a YouTuber for a new Bukkit coder to learn from, who would you choose? Someone like TheBcBroz?
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    timtower likes this.
  12. NO!
    I and many others highly recommend NOT to learn from him.
    Tecno_Wizard and oceantheskatr like this.
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    From all of the YouTubers I've seen doing Bukkit coding tutorials, Pogostick29dev definitely has to be the best. For the most part he'll explain what he's doing so that you're not just mindlessly following what he's typing, but actually retain some of the information. His videos allowed me to learn Bukkit coding, and from there I went off on my own, questioning things, and Googling a lot of the other things :p
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    Thank you ALL for contributing to this discussion! I have gathered information of who and who not to chose when it comes to the point where I decide I'm ready to code, a lot of things have come up so I think i'm going to wait for my seccond term at school with IT, my teacher said I will be learning code then. I will get some of the basics from a couple languages that I think we will use (Java, Python ETC) But once again thank you all for helping me with this, It does make me feel good that people care about other people still. Thank you all again for telling me what to do with coding. I hope my pluign-making can start soon.
    oceantheskatr likes this.
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    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Depends on what you want to learn
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    I wouldn't really say I have a favourite, but the one that taught me how to make inventory GUIs has been the most helpful, as I've made a lot of plugins that use it.
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