Plugin request

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by JabaJamesHD, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Doesn't matter

    Suggested name: Doesn't matter

    What I want: So I am looking for a few plugins, these can be separate jar files or compiled all in one. I don't mind. Ok so I need a plugin where I can give donators x2 damage, jump and speed (it would be nice if I can change the x damage to something else eg. x4 damage and jump) If the person has the correct permission then they will get the special power (So if they have x2 damage permission then they get x2 damage all the time)

    I also need a custom currency plugin which is gems. I need it so every 5 kills the player gets they get 1 gem. They can see how many gems they have with /gem bal or /gem. With the gems they can buy items in the /shop so I also need a virtual shop. Also I can give people certain amounts of gems with /gem give <name> <amount> as I need it so when they vote they get 2 per vote.

    Also I would like a plugin where when people select/make there kit on the server, they can save it by clicking a sign that says [SaveKit] on it. They can then load this later after death by clicking the sign [LoadKit]. If you can make it possible could you make it so if you have an item you bought from the /shop with the gems you can't save that kit otherwise they can just dupe the bought item.

    Ideas for commands: Explained above.

    Ideas for permissions: I don't mind what the permissions are as long as there clear

    When I'd like it by: 3 days if possible

    Thanks for reading, hope you can help me out ;)[fire]
  2. Offline


    JabaJamesHD That's a fairly extensive plugin. I don't think you'll find many developers generous and experienced enough on this forum to fulfill your request for free; especially within 3 days.

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