Plugin packs - Preconfigured plugins for several game modes!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by jwnordquist, Feb 19, 2012.

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    Hey guys, im planing to be making several plugin packs that are all preconfigured and work flawlessly with the latest RB. the goal of this is to let new people see how all the plugins work together, how a permission system is set up, ect, ect.

    here are some packs that i will be making, a few more modes will be added if people request them

    hardcore PVP
    Hard survival
    peaceful survival

    all credit to the plugin developers will be included in the forum posting and in the README.txt

    tell me what you think!

    mushroomhostage likes this.
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    You might want to get the authors to Ok a reupload aswell
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    yeah, ill be PM'ing them when i start this project, should be tomorrow, or the day after
  4. Offline


    This is a great idea, I was thinking the same thing, glad someone's actually doing it :)

    Another plugin pack suggestion idea:

    apocalypse/solitude server
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    Wolvereness Bukkit Team Member

    I'd recommend a script that runs the wgets, and you package the configurations yourself.
  6. Offline


    has anyone found out how to use logblock with a flatfile yet? as that is the only plugin i cant set up to be droped into the plugins folder and have it work.
  7. Offline


    Running logblock on flatfile would be terrible. MySQL would probably be the most efficient way to do it.
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    yeah, but this is more for smaller servers, but knowing some people out there, they would be using my packs on 100 slot servers xD
  9. Offline


    If you can't do MySQL, just don't do logging. WorldEdit's //restore is a less sophisticated, but much easier, simpler, and faster alternative method to rolling back areas. I still use it sometimes, despite having logblock on my server.

    Consider just uploading example configuration files and letting people add the jars themselves.
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