Plugin errors.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Aephout14, Oct 1, 2014.

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    Title pretty much says it all, I am trying to create, Load a config so you can enable and disable the recipes

    1. public class Main extends JavaPlugin { <- That bracket is errored (Red)

    1. }
    2. if (getConfig().getBoolean("villagespawner")) {
    3. ShapedRecipe villagespawner = new ShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Material.MOB_SPAWNER,3, (short) 120));
    4. villagespawner.shape(new String[]{"OOO","EEE","OOO"}).setIngredient('O', Material.OBSIDIAN).setIngredient('E', Material.EMERALD);
    5. Bukkit.getServer().addRecipe(villagespawner);
    6. }{
    7. } <- That one is also red
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    Check your opening and closing brackets. You made an error with the brackets and most likely copied and pasted the error in multiple sections of your code, thus making it break.
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    I think so yes.
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    The_FrosTy_Clan There is a lot of nesting going on there, which shouldn't even be there. That aside, you have a lot of misplaced/missing braces.
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    fireblast709 Mind rewriting the brackets for me, I have never been good with it
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    I rather have you do it yourself, since you will have to write a lot of brackets when writing Java. It will be good practice :p.
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    fireblast709 Ok then, Mind showing me what lines to do so, I ain't good doing it
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