Please Read This Before Locking My Thread...

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BungeeTheCookie, Jun 7, 2014.

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    TnT Can you guys please stop locking my thread? I was only using Spigot to make the error easier to read. I have switched my server folders and I am now using CraftBukkit. And I haven't switched to CraftBukkit to just "get support," I have been using it to decode my errors, and when I got my error the first time I didn't understand the stacktrace. I switched to Spigot and used Forge and see if it fixed, which it didn't so I posted that error so it would be clearer. Can you just not lock my thread this time please and actually read what is going on, that would be great....?
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    Locked. We do not support switching back to CraftBukkit to get support. Using some other software that generates stack traces that would be completely meaningless to us is not helpful and results in us being unable to provide you any support whatsoever.

    You are free to seek support from whatever forums you found your unofficial build.
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