Problem/Bug Players get disconnect and java.lang.NullPointerException

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Nexima, Jan 24, 2019.

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    Last two days i'm in a trouble. This problem why really i don't know.

    Players get disconnect and no any error just im saw this when they disconnect.

    also have java.lang.NullPointerException warnings with spam too much.. But not showing which one plugin.. So i can't figure out. Like;
    Here full log;

    Note: im upload the website my log because too big so 2.56 MB this cause i can't put on pastebin.

    Plugin list;
    Plugins (64): ItemInfo, PlaceholderAPI, Sohbet-Gardiyani, Craftconomy3, AlphaChest, FarmProtect, Arconix, Minions, Block, FastCraft, Skript, CreatureSpawners, Essentials, ClearLag, ProtocolLib, VoidSpawn, LibsDisguises, NoCheatPlus, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, FastAsyncWorldEdit, vipjoin, FeatherBoard, EasyBungeeCordTeleportLobby, Vault, MassiveCore, HolographicDisplays, ChestCommands, EasyRepair, EssentialsSpawn, boosCooldowns, ShopGUIPlus, WorldEdit, AnimatedNames, goBrush, ActionHealth, ItemFixer, Citizens, PowerfulPerms, PlotSquared, WorldGuard, Factions, LockettePro, Shop, CommandNPC, FactionWarsCORE, RedstoneClockPreventer, FactionWars, CrateReloaded, Multiverse-Core, Shopkeepers, MineResetLite, PyrCore, CombatTagPlus, ArmorStandTools, CrazyEnvoy, MythicMobs, Multiverse-NetherPortals, MythicMobsExtension, Jobs, BattleLevels, QuestCreator, TradeMe, LeaderHeads, Duels

    Also im using bungeecord so i have bungeecord network. But other servers no like this problem. Just in my faction server. Also if check the log there was no problem until a certain time but then it starts suddenly i guess..
    I hope your guys help to me for this problem really i need the information. Thanks for now.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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