Players can't use/build/break anything on my server!

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Adonias, May 1, 2017.

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    Please help! I've currently freshly set up my server, and I DO NOT have essentialsAntiBuild.jar, and am using WorldGuard for my protections. I have tried giving, modifyworld.*, etc. I can't find the problem. My plugins are: AutoRank, CombatLog, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, Essentials, Essentials GeoIP, EssentialsXMPP, MassiveCore, Multiverse-Core, PermissionsEx, Plugin Metrics, Updater, Vault, Votifier, WorldEdit, WorldGuard. I am running Spigot 1.10.jar. Here is the paste bin of my permissions setup. Please, if any more info is needed, let me know!
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