player.setDisplayName, in game name?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by redf1sh, Feb 25, 2011.

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    First I'd like to say bukkit is awesome, it's got me back into Java development for the first time in many years [​IMG]. Second, is there a way to change a players in-game name (the one that floats above their heads)? I can use setDisplayName to change their name when they chat, which is nice, but changing the floaty name would be awesome. It would be useful for RP stuff or for renaming my friends to "dickbutt".

  2. Offline


    Can't be done.
    (okay it CAN be done, but unless you want to get really hackish and also lose skins it can't)
  3. Offline


    Actually losing skins would be more than ok, and I like hackish [​IMG].
  4. Offline


    Well Edward Hand knows the exact thing, but it means sending a changed packet to the client.
  5. Offline


    Cool, I'll look into it, thanks! I was thinking if this is too sketchy I could instead create npcs using the npc library and make them say stuff instead of /name-ing myself to other characters (for rp crap, that is [​IMG]).

    Npcs might be fun to play with anyway.
  6. Offline


    If you manage to figure out a nice way to do this please update this thread. This topic is relevant to my interests.
  7. Offline


    Will do!
  8. Offline


    Hello redf1sh and plague, so i whant to know the info you know about the offline with player and how its possible to make a change in that so when on like "example: a lan party (no internet allowed so no authen server possible)

    have been reading on the subject : changing name 'player' in offline mode with a hex editor (like its updated i dont know but it makes the game crash)

    now i have been reading this topic and im wondering is there is a update about this topic / subject or is there already a working way to solve this problem ?

  9. Offline


    Well if it is a private lan party you can always use a cracked client, which is not really legal, but what else is there to do, right? Cannot post anything more about it here, but Uncle Google has the answer.
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