Player missing .dat file?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by confuserr, Jul 14, 2012.

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    Is there any reason why somebody would not have a .dat file? I thought as soon as somebody joins a server, it creates one? Somebody sent me a screenshot of somebody spam advertising. I can't ban them though as they don't have a .dat file so Bukkit says they don't exist. I even checked essentials and theres no player file for them there either.

    Nicknames are disabled, so its nothing to do with that

    Any ideas?
  2. Offline


    Stupid question: Do the player names have spaces or similiar special chars in'em? You could also try to use different ban plugins...
    And if you want to fix that .dat problem, you should check the folder security properties if you're running the server on a *nix machine
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    Nope, dont think so. This is the screenshot I was sent
    I cant seem to see any special characters, unless there are some which don't display in-game chat? I'm using my own ban's plugin, so I'm trying to work out why this person wouldn't have a .dat file :/

    Security properties are fine, other players have .dat files (I have over 40k on that server).
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