Solved Player interact breaking eating?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by torpkev, Dec 11, 2018.

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    Hi all,

    I have some PlayerInteract code that I use to detect if a player is doing something, but it seems to be breaking the player eating.

    So the code is like this (I've stripped out the stuff for flint and wooden_hoe as it isn't being used at this point)
    public class PlayerInteract implements Listener {
        public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent evt) {
            EquipmentSlot e = evt.getHand(); //Get the hand of the event and set it to 'e'.
            if (e.equals(EquipmentSlot.HAND)) { //If the event is fired by HAND (main hand) - using this because if I don't, the event fires twice
                // evt.isCancelled() returns true if eating
                if (Check.MainHand(evt.getPlayer()) == Material.FLINT) { 
                    // do stuff if flint
                if (Check.MainHand(evt.getPlayer()) == Material.WOODEN_HOE) { 
                    // do stuff if wooden_hoe
                // Any non-flint | non-wooden hoe interaction performed with main hand
                // evt.isCancelled() returns true if eating
    If I try to eat, the part of the code that has "// Any non-flint | non-wooden hoe interaction performed with main hand" fires - when I check evt.isCancelled(), it is returning true.. but I have no idea why. So the player can't eat.

    I've tried manually setting the evt.setCancelled(false); - it didn't make a difference

    Has anyone run into this before or can see some massive glaring issue?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
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    I don't think the now visible code is cancelling anything.
    Maybe post the full code so we can get an image of what is actually happening.
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    Nevermind.. apparently I'm as dumb as a box of rocks sometimes.

    It didn't occur to me that I wasn't eating at all because I was in creative mode. I'm surprised I can't eat chorus fruit in creative though, even though you can eat it if not hungry in survival. Oh well, there's a couple of hours of pointless troubleshooting dealt with. I finally removed all of the listener code and it was still happening, then the penny dropped.

    Problem was me, not my code. Thanks for looking though!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
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