Player´s knockback help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrDandS97, Feb 6, 2017.

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    I know you can get player´s knockback with the getVelocity() method in PlayerVelocityEvent class, but I was wondering if a player is using cheats (reducing his knockback), will the getVelocity() method return 0?
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    Based on packets, clients have no control over their velocity. So, no, it should not be 0.
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    You would probably have to wait about 3-5 ticks and then check their velocity using Player#getVelocity()
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    You could check wether the player is hacking , and then teleport him back at his last positions.
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    How would he check if the player is hacking?

    Most likely that will not fix the issue. Unless the player somehow modifies the velocity after they have already been hit (which is unlikely), this would not do anything except produce false positives if the player is against a wall, is falling, or tries to move in any other direction.
    Rayzr522 likes this.
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