[Pixel] Money/Shop

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MrMB2013, Feb 17, 2014.

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    Section : Money
    Plugin name : Pixel

    Command :

    /Pixel = http://imgur.com/jiSSE5e
    /Pixel help = http://imgur.com/dVPwdoM
    /Pixel me = http://imgur.com/bVkJAiI
    /Pixel shop = http://imgur.com/hax2Y1i
    /Pixel give (OP) = http://imgur.com/NS2YkcT
    /Pixel remove (OP) = http://imgur.com/XIVjMFC
    /Pixel buy = http://imgur.com/hax2Y1i

    What i need is that :

    When i do :

    "/pixel give [player] <amount>"
    {Give to the [player] <amount> of pixel(s)}
    Send this message :
    {Thank for purchasing <amount> pixel(s) !}

    "/pixel remove [player] <amount>"
    {Remove to the [player] <amount> of pixel(s)}
    Send this message :
    {You have now <amount> pixel(s)}

    The current config.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MrMB2013 What exactly is this for plugin?
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    Mathias Eklund

    So this is an economy plugin. There are already a bunch of those out there.
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    Just a follow-up from @mathiaseklund.
    As Mathias has mentioned, there are numerous economy plugins out there.
    I'd recommend using the Iconomy Plugin (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/iconomy/).
    The Iconomy plugin will allow you to define a specific currency within the config, so you can simple replace the "dollars" with Pixels! In regards to those custom commands and sub-commands, I'd recommend using an plugin that will allow you create command aliases such as MyCommand (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mycommand/).

    Hope this reply has helped! Please feel free to ask me any questions! More than happy to help :)


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    I just wrote a economy plugin that lets you buy, sell, and give money to players.
    The plugin loads the money from player files in a separate folder inside the plugin folder.

    I just did it for fun and since we tried to establish a economy between just a few players. I wouldn't have any problems to make it open source and to post the link. This way you can make changes the way you like them and maybe edit the prices and add items. Wanted to add MySQL but I just lost the interest in it.
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    Cause i need it ! For my website shop !
  7. felixferr0w likes this.

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