Phoenix Feathers!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xXSilverswordXx, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: Phoenix feathers.
    Timeframe: Soon as possible. (why is this a thing you need to fill in XD)

    Think of the top right slot in your inventory, then the slot to the left of that.
    This is the slot i will be talking about.
    When a player joins the server they will have 3 Phoenix feathers in that slot.
    Whenever they die, they do not drop any items if they have a feather in the slot.
    Upon death, they will lose one feather (it breaks, it doesnt drop)
    When a player has no feathers left in that slot items can not be put into that slot.
    Every 5 minutes all players will get the message &4The gods have gifted you another phoenix feather!
    If a player dies without having a feather in their inventory they will die as normal (items explode onto the ground, ect)
    The feathers can not be moved around the inventory. You cannot drop feathers either.
    Item information
    Name: &4&lPhoenix Feathers
    Lore Line 1: &6Keep these sacred feathers with you and
    Lore Line 2: &6You will keep your gear upon death.
    Lore Line 3: &6Gain 1 every 5 minutes. Lose 1 upon death.
    If a player dies with a feather they will still be warped to spawn, they just will keep their stuff and lose a feather.

  2. I'll create this for you
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


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