PerWorldCages (Special Plugin Request)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sw_aG, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Dear very kind Plugin makers,

    Plugin category: Admin-tools

    Suggested name: PerWorldCages

    What I want: I need a plugin that will prevent players from going outside from the location that have been set the world they're in (If the cages are enabled), in this world, if A player is trying to get out from the cage it will teleport him back.

    Config info: In the config, the "Location" is the block that the "Distance" will start from, I'll Explain it.
    Example: If the "Location" In the world "SurvivalGames4" is set to 208 -972 (Dont inculde Y {Block High} I need it to be that players can go up and down) and the "Distance" is Set to "50" Then it'll set the boarder that players cannot go outside from it, to 50 Away from the "Location" block!, that players will be able ONLY to be in this 50 radius from the block that've been set.

    I want in the config to be:

    Ideas for commands: #I need the commands to be able to run from the console!

    - /pwcw enable
    - /pwcw disable

    Ideas for permissions:

    - PWCW.enable
    - PWCW.disable

    When I'd like it by: ASAP

    Other info: I dont realy mean a cage, i mean that players wont be able to escape a Place because the plugin will teleport them back.

    Specific Details: I need the boarder to be as a circle, not a square.

    Example: i need the cage to be round, like that[​IMG]
    But, not like that:

    Version: 1.7.2 R3

    Thanks In advance! ;)
  2. Offline


    There is a plugin called WorldBorder that should be somewhat like what you're looking for. :)
  3. Offline


    Ahh, WorldBoarder was the first plugin i tried for that, but its doing it square thingy, and i need it to be with a custom Config that'll get off and on by my auto system that can be with the plugin i just describe.
    Thanks for your comment, i'll be glad if someone will help me with that:rolleyes:
  4. Offline


    Oh okay. Good luck!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    You can do this with world guard. Select the region you want with //wand and type ' /rg define <name>' but replace <name> with an actual name. Once you do that type '/rg flag <name> entry deny' but replace <name> with the name you defined your region as.
  7. Offline


    And you would do this around a CIRCLE?
    Someone has too much time on his hands...
    Sw_aG likes this.
  8. Offline


    It shouldn't take that long unless your circle is HUGE
  9. Offline


    Looking at his posts he is probably gonna make a survivalgames thing with this, those maps are typically a bit bigger than 10x10...

    Also, why not just use a glass sphere?
  10. Offline


    simgar98 simgar98 I am gonna use glass spheres but after certain time i want a boarder to start so players wont leave spawn mid-death match.
    And i need it more then 10x10, Probobly 68x68

    simgar98 imyussy timtower Laxer21117 Yeah, i am gonna use it for SurvivalGames, and i can't use WorldBoader Because i cannot active ALL the boarders in 1 command (And i need every boarder to be in diffrent world)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    How about a command alias plugin?
  12. Offline


    I've tried it, but the WorldBoarder doesn't have a world coordinates creator, it'll make boarders only in the world you are In, so that's why i need the PerWorldCages plugin...
    timtower Thanks for your comments!
  13. You should really just read the documentation of WorldBorder and stop saying it doesn't do X without searching. It does everything you listed on that topic.
  14. Offline


    I've searched BEFORE i even posted this requst, i may not read it as well, can you please tell me how can i make this as The plugin i need?
    Thanks for your comment!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Try to scroll up a few posts or just read the commands page.....
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    I'll try it out, thanks :D

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