PermissionsEX update help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by grid21, Mar 25, 2013.

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    I use PermissionsEX, Chat Manager, and Modifyworld and because of the 1.5 update the plugins have broken. Now from the forums I've read, it sounds like the project is no longer being updated. I really rely on this plugin and it's the back bone of my server.

    What I am asking is this.

    A. Can someone either update this plugin for me and the add-ons such as ChatManager and Modifyword.

    Or B. Can someone teach me how to code and update this plugin.

    I need all three plugins PermissionsEX, ChatManager, and Modifyworld to be update in order for my server to keep going. If someone could reply with an answer or anything would be very much welcomed!

    Please and Thank you!
  2. Offline


    I didn't experience any problems with PEX 1.19.5 on CB 2704. If you have errors with that pex version, can you post them here?
  3. Offline


    Ok I just booted it up and suddenly I don't have any bugs. But that doesn't confirm. Is PEX not being worked on anymore? If not how can I ask if I can take up the project? I don't know coding yet, but how do you update a plugin on the code level?
  4. Offline


    Well You Can Switch To Groupmanager Which Is Basically The Same And Also Make Sure Your Permissions.yml File Is Correct YAML Is Strict!
  5. Offline


    Basically you can update (like making it compatible with new bukkit versions) by compiling the plugin against new Bukkit builds and resolving all the compiler errors.
    And I guess the author is working on PEX 2.0, so we didn't see any functional updates the last time.
  6. Offline


    Is it ok if I try updating it before the author of the plugin? I really hope development hasn't stopped.

    Also what Java editing program am I suppose to use and how come I decompile the jar so I can update it and recompile it?

    Relpy? Thanks!

    Is there any good reference pages that has reference codes and lists about how to do this?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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  8. Offline


    I don't want to use sometimes else I want to use PEX. I just want to know what java program should I use to update it and how to decompile and recompile to create a new update.
  9. Offline


    you are looking for SQL support? PEX isnt offering anything unique other than that, and converters exist.
  10. Offline


    No I'm not looking for SQL support! I'm trying to find out how and what program do you use to update this plugin! What programs are used to code jar files??
  11. Offline


    if you don't already know how to write jar files you aren't gonna be able to update it on your own.
  12. Offline


    Well I mean it is working but I know at some point it's gonna brake and I can't afford that on my server. Maybe someone can help me update it?
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