PermissionsEx main class constructor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by brord, Sep 23, 2013.

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    Hey i was looking into some trouble my plugin had with PermissionsEx.
    So i took a look at h teh code from pex github (

    But i noticed the author did something strange.
    There is a a main constructr defined:
    public PermissionsEx() {
            PermissionBackend.registerBackendAlias("sql", SQLBackend.class);
            PermissionBackend.registerBackendAlias("file", FileBackend.class);
            PermissionBackend.registerBackendAlias("memory", MemoryBackend.class);
    Now i was wondering, when exacly do0es this code get run?
    If anyone could clarify this for me, i would be soo happy :D
  2. Offline


    Just find anywhere you make an instance of PermissionsEx, it should call that constructor. Lots of things are instanced in all sorts of places in this plugin, I'm sure you could find it if you dig.
  3. Offline


    i did, there is nothing with a call like "new PermissionsEx()".
  4. Offline


    I believe PermissionsEx's main instance is static. i.e. PermissionsEx.getInstance (or similar).

    Alternatively you could use:
    1. (PermissionsEx) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PermissionsEx");

    EDIT: Misunderstood the question. However I believe the constructor for the class is called when Bukkit first registers the plugin itself.
  5. Offline


    I was lookin' in the onEnable and it doesn't instance it, does Bukkit call the constructor by it self when a plugin is registered if a constructor is present? (Technically any class you have will have a no-args constructor weather you make one or not, if I remember correctly.)
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    I believe so, because in calling in a new instance of a class you call its constructor
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