Permissions Questions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FXStrato, Jan 29, 2011.

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    I use the craftbukkit and bukkit server, and I wanted to implement Permissions, Essentials, and maybe even iChat. But I'm a n00b, and I really do not know how everything in it works. The jargon that Niji wrote down about the Permissions plug-in threw me for loop. I want to be able to implement it in this way, if possible. I used to use SimpleServer, but I'm starting to get bored with its lack of plugins. So I was wondering if anyone can give me step-by step instructions on how to make Bukkit perform a bit like the server i had before, if possible.
    1. Colored names for chat (not just for op, but for default players). I believe iChat can do this, but I need some better explanation of the coding it uses.
    2. Groups. I'm pretty sure Permissions has this covered, but I have no idea how to make it so that a certain group only has access to some commands, like those in Essentials.
    --Note: For Permissions, I don't know understand how to put people in a group, and all the stuff on "inheritance", since i was hoping to just see a list of commands that I can give to people or not.
    Thanks if anyone can help! I did read it, but I still don't get it. :(
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