Filled Permission Based Titles

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bossomeness, Oct 25, 2014.

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    Name: PermTitles

    Category: Chat Related

    Description: I would like a plugin that adds titles, or prefixes, to a user based on a permission node they have. These titles should be definable in game or in the config. So if the user has the permission node "permtitles.staff", they will have the title named "staff", which is defined as "(Staff)". This title should show up next to the user's rank in the chat. It should also work with popular chat managing plugins.

    Commands: /permtitle create [title] [name], /permtitle list, /permtitle remove [name]
    Note: The name of a title is what the permission node will be.
    For example: /permtitle create &6Boss boss; the permission node will be permtitles.boss to have the &6Boss prefix

    Permissions: permtitles.create, permtitles.list, permtitles.remove, permtitle.[name]
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    mrCookieSlime Thanks! This looks like it's just what I need!
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