Per World Home

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KosmosPvP, Jun 17, 2014.

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    Like the name says, it allows players to set a home per world. Up to 3 at least and more if you have needed permissions. Also allow naming homes. Example: Player in multiverse "world" and has a home in there named "home". Player also has a home called "home" in multiverse called "world2".
    When Player does /home in "world", it takes him to the home, "home" in the current world, "world". Same applies for multiverse "world2". Commands: /sethome and /home
    Permissions: pwh.sethome.more
    Thanks! Please do not put HomeSpawnPlus for it has too much features I do not need
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    The Fancy Whale

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    KosmosPvP If it has the features you need however you can still use the plugin, just do not use the features you don't need... It will still work for your server.
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    Like it interferes with my other plugis making it not work right because it has many commands I don't need
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    The Fancy Whale

    Please explain how it interferes. I am sure you can easily avoid it by simply not using all of homespawnplus's features. I don't think many people want to make you this, when HSP does exactly what you want.
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    The Fancy Whale

    It interferes because to go to a home for ops, they give you an option of who's you want to go to. Admin can abuse that and raid. The spawn is messing up my per world spawn plugin and my per world death spawn. These features put my server all whacky, I ad to remove it because of the same reason.
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    If your admins abuse your server features, they shouldn't be admins... Or players at all.
    The Fancy Whale and timtower like this.
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    The Fancy Whale

    As Necrodoom said they shouldn't be admins. Also, you say "for ops"... If you op someone they can do anything they want basically! They get access to basically every command. If you trust them with the operator status, you should trust them not to use other's homes.
    timtower likes this.
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    The Fancy Whale

    Then remove those plugins and have hsp take care of respawning :p
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    The Fancy Whale

    I don't understand why you are being so stubborn... I hope it's not because you are not willing to configure hsp. If that is the reason, shame on you for being so lazy you'd rather have someone make you a new plugin than configure a plugin that is already made. Everything that you are looking for hsp can do so why not use it?
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    The Fancy Whale dsouzamatt

    It's because the other plugins that interfere with HomeSpawnPlus have really good features and took me a while to configure. HomeSpawnPlus has those but I don't want to use it due to the commands that aren't same to me like the /home [name]
    All I'm missing is the Per World Homes and want simple easy commands.
  16. Offline

    The Fancy Whale

    Well, good luck finding someone who will remake you a plugin that works fine. Also, if it is so simple and easy then you should make it. I personally will not be making this as it already exists. Have a good one.
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    The Fancy Whale

    I came on here to get it coded for I have no experience in coding what so ever. If you can't deal with my opinion, you shouldn't even reply on this post anymore.
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    As you've stated, you have no experience in coding whatsoever. Coding the plugin that you're asking for will take most people a couple of hours. The Fancy Whale is telling you that as there is already a plugin that does what you're asking for, no one is going to code a new one that accomplishes the same thing.
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    The Fancy Whale

    That is my point exactly. If you have no experience, how do you know it is a simple plugin?
    timtower likes this.
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    The Fancy Whale

    I never said it was simple... You don't have to do it, it's just a request and if you don't want to do it because there is HomeSpawnPlus which does that which I can't use, fine with me.
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    The Fancy Whale

    You did say it was simple. But whatever, you can use hsp you just don't want to it seems. Good luck.

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