pausing before executing code

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by spoonikle, Mar 9, 2011.

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    OK, i am trying to optimize my code, I have been running into some issues with my old code.

    I was using java utility timer threads to delay the use of a method, but i am unable to get accurate player data this way, as the player variable is being changed to another players name sometimes. So in an effort to stop this variable cross pollination i am working on a rewrite of my completely amateur code.

    My question is this -

    How do I delay the execution of code within a method? Here is my current solution -
        public void onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent event) {
            Player player = event.getPlayer();
            CraftEntity fish = (CraftEntity) event.getItem();
            int fishId = ((EntityItem) fish.getHandle());
            if (fishId == 349) {
                caughtFish.put(player, true);
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(2000); // do nothing for 2000 miliseconds (2
                                        // second)
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    here i want a variable to have a short life, (2 seconds in this case).

    will this work? is there a better way?
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    This won't work, as the server can't respond for 2 seconds (so if somebody break a block it will change after 2 seconds).

    You should use a Timer which won't pause the server.

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    this would pause bukkit? wow... my original code used a timer... but i think there is a problem with this code.

    public class CatchFish extends PlayerListener {
        private boolean caughtFish = false;
        public void setCaughtFish(boolean caughtFish) {
            this.caughtFish = caughtFish;
        public void onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent event) {
            CraftEntity fish = (CraftEntity) event.getItem();
            int fishId = ((EntityItem) fish.getHandle());
            if (fishId == 349) {
                caughtFish = true;
                new CatchReset(2); // resets Catch fish value.
        public boolean isCaughtFish() {
            return caughtFish;
        public class CatchReset {
            Timer timer;
            public CatchReset(int seconds) {
                timer = new Timer();
                timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), seconds * 1000);
            // Declaration of the timer and its method.
            class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
                public void run() {
    should i make caughtFish Static?
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    Edward Hand

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    Hey just a idea... is it possible to have a plugin run in a different thread?
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    An entire plugin ? I'm not sure but it should, and its not safe running it in another thread, that can corrupt data.
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    yeah, it doesn't seem too wise unless A) you know what you are doing, and B)If your plugin actually needs it.
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