Solved Particles

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ollinator01, Sep 24, 2016.

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    Hey, i got an problem and dont know how to fix it.
    The public void onEnable doesnt work and the public void toggle.

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    Remove override from onEnable
    and completely remove onCommand, since it is surrounding the onEnable.
    Why havent you noticed that error?

    And you have to register the Listener, this means the main class have to implement the Listener like so
    2. public class InventoryCloseEvent implements Listener {

    Register Listener.
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    You dont register the Listener. You forgot to implement Listener.

    Please learn a bit of java or atleast watch some tutorials before creating help topics.

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  5. You should too a little bit :D

    The @Override annotation is not necessary and doesn't affect how the code get's executed at all, but it shows you an error if you override a method that doesn't exist in the superclass (e.g. onEnabled)
    Could've removed onEnable at all because it's empty

    And @ollinator01 shouldn't learn a bit of java, he should learn A LOT. I mean wtf, wrong syntax, wrong naming conventions, no understanding of java at all.

    Probably just copy-pasted if from a youtuber that doesn't know how to do it as well

    @ollinator01 how to solve your problem in 3 easy steps:
    1. delete the project
    2. learn java
    3. create the project again
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    You are right about the @Override but since i dont use it at all i wasnt certain.... Sry ;)

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    Hmm ok, i have ordered a book and learn a little bit ^^ I will close this thread :D
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