Particle Effect Display Halp

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by MagmaticBacca, Jun 24, 2015.

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    So ive been using DarkeeBlade12's Particle Effect Lib and Relection Util and i would love some help on displaying said Particle Effect, i know you must do ParticleEffect.REDSTONE.display(); but i am having trouble on the parameters what would be the best way to display the particle?

    Link to The Library:

    All credit of the library goes to DarkBladee12
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    To show a basic effect
    ParticleEffect.NAME.display(float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, double range);
    // offsetX, Y, and Z are the distance that the particles can go away from the center.
    // speed is the speed that they travel
    // amount is the number of particles
    // center is the location of where they spawn
    // range is distance away from center that they can be seen
    // instead of range you can put List<Player> of who can see them
    To shoot particles in a direction
    ParticleEffect.NAME.display(Vector direction, float speed, Location center, double range);
    // direction is where they will go
    // speed is how fast they will go
    // center is where they will spawn
    // range is how far away from the center they can be seen
    // range can also be replaced with List<Player> of who can see them
    I hope that may explain each parameter.
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