Packet Sending for Player being Invisible

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OppositeGamer, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Does anyone know a packet where you can make the player literally have no physical aspect. Like if you shot an arrow at the player it wouldnt register the player and it would just pass right though them.
  2. Offline


    no because the player still exists for the server
  3. Offline


    The player could exist at the client-side only though. Then arrows would shoot straight through.

    You can spawn a player on the client side by sending a Packet20NamedEntitySpawn.
  4. Offline


    Comphenix Wouldn't "no physical aspect" mean not visible aswell?
  5. Offline


    Not necessarily. You can spawn a player that only exist on the client, and not the server.

    It will be visible, but not interactive. Just like the Statues plugin.
  6. Offline


    again physics fails to give me a proper definition... But yea if you see it like that. I though that the OP ment to make an arrow pass through an invisible, online player (which is not directly possible)
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