Packet for setting playercount text?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AstramG, Mar 31, 2014.

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    I was playing on this server previously:
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    and where it says 95/100 it said Updating in bold and yellow because it was in maintenance. I'm not talking about when you hover over the numbers, I'm talking about the numbers themselves. However, I'd like to know how to both hover over the numbers and customize that display, and the numbers themselves.
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    Go to the craftbukkit repository and look at the PacketStatusListener.
  3. Offline


    Thank you, also is there a way to do this with Bungee.
  4. Offline


    BungeeCord is really easy. They have an event for it I believe.. ProxyPing or something you could find it on the forums. And since you mentioned bungeecord this threaded will be locked.
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