Overriding creature spawners

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Chr0mosom3, Jul 30, 2019.

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    Hello there,

    I started working on a plugin that would add-on to the minecraft survival experience by adding a better use for spawners, for that, I wanted to override the spawners with custom entity spawning which will be handled by the plugin.

    What I stuck on is disabling the spawner from spawing the creatures naturally, as it normally does, I have already looked at a thread and the docs and found no helpful answer.

    https://bukkit.org/threads/how-to-disable-a-creature-spawner.7276/ - The answer suggested was to set the creature to null which works but I still want the spawner to look like a normal spawner with the animal inside, and not a empty one to which you have to right click it to find out what it is
    https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/block/CreatureSpawner.html - Nothing here

    (The verison I'm using is 1.14.4)
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    Machine Maker

    @MrDaniel What does setting the spawn count of the CreatureSpawner to 0 do?
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