Filled Ore Processing

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Blooby, Dec 11, 2017.

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    Hello developers, I have a rather different plugin request today. I am creating a server that is 100% based on real life (Island Life RPG) but I need a few plugins to release it. Currently, I am building the map and downloading plugins that are necessary, but I can't seem to find one like this.

    Plugin category:

    Minecraft version:

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    If it is possible, I would like to have a plugin that allows you to get "peices" of ores, not the actual ingot or smeltable ore. For example, if you minded a piece of coal.. you would get an ink sac called, "Raw Coal". To process this Raw Coal, you would need to go to an NPC using Citizens. Once you right click on this NPC, a GUI will open and you'll have the option to process which ever raw material you have.

    Here are the options I would like to have: (Raw Form : Processes Material)

    • Ink Sac -> Coal
    • Stone Button -> Iron
    • Gold Nugget -> Gold
    • Clay Ball -> Diamond
    • Lime Dye -> Emerald
    After you have processed these materials, you would need to go to another NPC declared as the merchant for each of these products. Which doesn't need to be implemented considering they're being processed into the normal, vanilla items.

    Finally, I would also like to add a way of implementing "oil" into my server. I feel as this would work by heading to the oil rig area and right clicking on an object I choose that begins to fill up the empty buckets in your inventory with milk, called "Unprocessed Oil". After that stage, you will need to take the unprocessed oil to a separate merchant who will process the oil changing the name from unprocessed, just to oil. This is where you will sell it again to another merchant I can set up on my own!

    I would also like everyone to not be able to start out being able to process these items. To process, you will need to go to the town center where you can buy from another NPC, the ability to buy each processing ability (the prices will be discussed later). Please ellaborate with me on this one, if that's difficulty I could always add ability to buy commands and people can just buy, say, ore.process.coal

    Also, I would like for these items to take time to process, if that's not possible.. I can live haha.

    Ideas for commands:
    • /trait processor (when you right click an NPC it'll give you the option for the items in your inventory)
    • /trait processorseller

    Ideas for permissions:
    • ore.process.coal
    • ore.process.iron
    • ore.process.diamond
    • ore.process.emerald
    • ore.process.oil
    • ore.npcsell

    I would like to say thank you to whoever reads this, as well as attempts this project. To make this sort of plugin is amazing, as well as hard work. Take as much time as needed if one decides to do this. I would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Blooby Who is working on this?
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    @timtower currently @runwithshovels is working on it!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Yeah, it's a custom plugin that won't be released to the public, and to save time in response we moved to direct messaging.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And who started that conversation?
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    I did. Why does it matter if I don't want others in our business?

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    The fact that people have been scammed before through PM and other types of communication.
    The fact that this thread exists to talk on.
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    Well if that should arise in this situation I'm sure the victim would gladly make those that need to know aware. Thanks for your concern.

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  10. Ah, your secret business evil scheme... yes where you make enough money to buy yourself your very own snow-cone.

    I suggest that this is done with a resourcepack or a mod. Having actual, real new items instead of renamed items can make it all the more fun (unless, of course, it's a magic axe or an axe that John the Woodcutter had, in which case it'd be a regular axe with enchants or lore).
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    Maybe make the NPC run a certain command to open those guis?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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