Opening Iron Door?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Plo124, Aug 16, 2014.

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    So um, I done some research and found a Door object in bukkit, with an open and close option.

    I tried casting a blockstate to a door with no success.

    So how do I do this?
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    Check if the block is equal to a door and if yes then cast the block to a door like this
    Door thedoor = (Door) block;

    I think this would work
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    Door class is deprecated.
  4. Offline


    try casting Openable I don't know if you need to cast it to block.getState() or to block.getState().getData() though.
  5. Offline


    .getData() is a byte for blocks & a short for items
  6. Offline


    Not the getState().getData() it should return MaterialData
  7. Offline


    Problem solved. Just set the data to getData() & 0x08 to open and another thing to close
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