Npcs using Guns

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 123123b, Apr 8, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Citizens and Guns

    Suggested name: Sentry Shooter

    What I want: I want a plugin where NPCS can use guns. They can run with it, sneak with it (maybe too advanced), shoot and walk with the gun. They need to have a path-finding range and who exactly to shoot.
    EG: Npcs can shoot players, mobs, a specific player, specific mob, players in a specefic group (like admin, donar), and ignores.

    Ideas for commands:
    /SentryShooter target add Group:ADMIN (Targets admins)
    /SentryShooter ignore add entity:Zombie (ignores zombies)
    /SentryShooter damage 4 (a specefic amount of damage it deals to an entity)
    /SentryShooter detectradius <number> (detects entities in a specific radius)
    /SentryShooter Reload <number> (amount of time it can shoot and reload

    Ideas for permissions: None in mind. Maybe SentryShooter.perms for all perms.

    When I'd like it by: 1 month or so.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
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    By guns, what do you mean? A custom gun, a gun mod, a bow? please specify more
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    1 week, for pathfinding and such. That's impossinle.
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    You know the way a gun plugin works? Like how crackshot works, it kinda modifies an item and makes it so a player shoots bullets out of it when they click it? Well, I kind of like it like that, but for the NPCs. Remember, a plugin, not a mod that I want.

    Basically what you said, a custom gun. More or less a rifle that they can shoot bullets out of it every second

    Then a month. Or is that still too little time?
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  8. Offline


    Great idea, so you can aways get a match if there are no players online!
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    I'm using it for a different purpose, but that can work too!
    I'm really just making a custom gamemode where you do missions. It would be pretty cool if you got to face many npcs instead of mobs, and besides, I don't think mobs can use guns, but I've heard npcs can.

    Sadly, it's been a while and no one even said they will try to make it.
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