NoteBlockGuard Super! Awesome! Interesting!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Lifecraft_R, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Another Flashy title to get readers : )

    For this plugin, I'd like it so only Ops could change the tuning of a Note Block, eg. Members wrecking my NoteBlock Piano. (when I catch them, I will eat them)

    Perms- NoteBlockGuard.EditNoteblock

    Commands- None!
  2. Offline


    Nice idea, could be useful. Do you want it to block all noteblocks? And do you want them to still play when they are clicked, just not changing the note?
  3. Offline


    JungleSociety It would be good if they could play a sound by right clicking, but not change the tune (they referring to Ops) but there could be a command where you look at a Note Block and type /NB exception, and anyone can edit it, but No Edits by default

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