Solved Non OP Not able to use ServerSigns

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Chicago_T3d, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Alright, so currently, I have Serversigns, Essentials (Core and Extras), WorldEdit, and WorldGuard.

    My issue:
    I want everyone to be able to use the Signs on my server.

    I am running a private walls server for myself, my LAN, and a few friends outside of it. Since it is a wall server, and I want to keep things under control, I am the only one on my server with operating permissions/controls. I have created zones for a spectator box, a spawn, and the 4 corners.(For those not familiar with walls, check this out: )

    I am using signs to teleport between Spectate and Spawn, and from Spawn to each of the 4 zones. My issue, however, is that I can use the signs fine, as well as anyone I op. default users are not able to do so though.

    The command I am using on each of the signs is:
    /svs add warp <warpname>
    Obviously, warpname is replaced with the name of the specific warp for the sign.

    My permissions config in BukkitPermissions is as follows:
                permissions.example: true
            - admin
        default: true
                permissions.*: true
            serversigns.use.*: true
                permissions.*: true
            serversigns.use.*: true
            - user
                serversigns.use.*: true
                    coolplugin.item: true
            - default
        build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'
    debug: false
    Any help here?
  2. Offline


    Well i have never heard the plugin of Serversigns, but in Essentials you can use signs as well. Go to the essentials folder and edit the config.yml and scroll down until you see items like this:
    # - heal
    # - warp
    When you find that backspace the '#' and space until you match up '-' to the line '|' and then do the permissions that way. It works for me :)
    *To Set Up The Essentials Warp Signs Is Doing:
    [Warp] (Top Line Of The Sign)
    <Warp name>
  3. Offline


    I prefer the clean look of ServerSigns a bit more, but I guess I will do that until another solution is provided. Thank you very much!
  4. Offline


    You are welcome. I will keep on looking if i can find the solution to ServerSigns.

    Also, if you could please paste your permissions.yml in Pastebin that would be so much better!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  5. Offline


    Which one? The server permissions? or the BukkitPermissions?
    Judging by your post, I can assume server permissions, of which is empty.
  6. Offline


    BukkitPermissions :p
  7. Offline

    Sorry for the wait. I was out.

    A quick note, this is causing a severe error in the console, so I am obviously doing something wrong :p

    Additionally, default users are still not able to use the Essentials signs.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  8. Offline


    Did you give them the node?
  9. Offline


    I posted the permissions in pastebin. You are going to have to tell me what a node is. I am still new to this : P
  10. Offline


    Ohk one sec..

    Edit: You could always go to google and type in 'Essentials Commands' it will show up the commands and depending which link you go to.. the newest one is you click the command and then it will show the permission but i guess i could do it for you..
  11. Offline


    I've seen the commands, and I did my best to include them based on what was in the configs. I might have screwed up the sign one though. Also, when I go to list the groups using /permissions group list
    , it gives me a server error. Chicago_T3d is set to a default user, though, when I believe I set the user to admin.
  12. Offline


    The 3 Permissions:

    Perm: essentials.signs.break.warp
    Desc: Controls who can break warp signs

    Perm: essentials.signs.create.warp
    Desc: Controls who can create warp signs

    Perm: essentials.signs.use.warp
    Desc: Controls who can use warp signs
  13. Offline


    That one I used under the default group. Is is case sensitive?
  14. Offline


    Many codes are case sensitive, just like how Google worked in back in 2000
  15. Offline


    Alright, my updated permissionsbukkit config.
    It still throws this error in my terminal:
    21:47:18 [SEVERE] [PermissionsBukkit] Unable to load configuration!
  16. Offline


    Yes.. it has to all lowercase..

    I tried to help you as much as i could.. Sorry :( Going have to leave this one to the pros..

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  17. Offline


    I appreciate all the help man. The first fix would have been great, but I am terrible with permissions. It created another side of the same problem. I probably should have just kept it simple, and gone without permissionsBukkit and serversigns, since there is a pretty simple permissions interface in essentials :/
  18. Offline


    Try groupmanager or other perms, i'm really good with GroupManager and PEX
  19. Offline


    I'll give groupmanager a shot. Thanks for your help!

    Groupmanager got it working nicely! Thank you!

    I put the essentials.signs.use.warp inside the builder permissions, then I just upgraded all my friends to builder.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  20. Offline


    Haa.. I knew it would work :) Your welcome and enjoy your server :)
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