
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ThePirateGaming, Aug 29, 2015.

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    Plugin category: server management?

    Suggested name: NoCheatHelp

    What I want:
    A plugin that could be a possible addon for NoCheatPlus
    Perhaps an editable message
    "A hacked client has been detected. Please say ".help"
    "A hacked client has been detected. Please say ".say"
    Editable "say" and randomized
    - .say
    - .help
    - .forceop (I know this is fake, but still)
    Editable message
    "Hacks have been detected. Please say "{MESSAGE}"

    Configurable punishments, also per each time failed
    1. kick %player% You failed the NoCheat message!
    2. kick %player% This is your last warning! Disable your hacked client!
    3. ipban %player% You failed all NoCheat messages!\napply at LINK\nto be unbanned!

    Configurable time, so they have X seconds to say the message, In seconds.
    Time: 10

    Ideas for commands:
    help send (PLAYER)
    (A command to send the message to a player)

    Ideas for permissions:
    nocheathelp.ignore - Bypass and ignore the NoCheatHelp messages
    nocheathelp.bypass.punishment - Bypass punishments

    When I'd like it by: Anytime

    # Notes:
    I know it seems really derpy, and the example configurations I gave are a bit sloppy, but the idea isn't that hard to understand.
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    And how would you check players that are supposedly "hacking" but have their chat turned off?
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    ActionBar then?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ThePirateGaming A hacked client usually has a command to send a message to the server like .say .help, so this request wouldn't do much.
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    @oceantheskatr that's a really good idea
    title "Please say the following in chat"
    subtitle "{MESSAGE}"

    "Please say .say"
    "Please say .me"
    "Please say .menu"

    They could bypass if their client has .say,
    but with research, also basic knowledge
    The people who make the clients
    You really think they care about
    getting caught?
    I've seen maybe one or two people that
    have used hacks and have said
    .say or .me or .menu and other "commands"

    It isn't a foolproof idea, yet have you ever seen
    a server with NoCheatPlus and have people
    NOT using hacked
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    @ThePirateGaming try blocking their message if its equals to .say .more using swearing plugin .
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    @raymart23 The client doesn't send the message to the server, it does all that client side, so there's no way to just block it by cancelling the event, what timtower said is correct though, people who know their hacked clients know that uou can just do ".say .say" to say it in chat.

    @JRL1004 After being kicked the first time for not doing it i'm sure they'd realise what happened and turn their chat on to fix it

    @ThePirateGaming Not all hacked clients use . to specify that a command is being typed and most of them you can edit it. If you do still want this I can create it for you though, I made something similar for my server but I had it ask everyone when they joined and people were not happy about getting kicked constantly

    P.S. @timtower this is for spigot 1.8.8 (or atleast that's what version his server is) and he said
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
  8. Offline


    Yes I'd still like this as a plugin, I know it isn't foolproof, yet it's just a small addon
    It isn't going to block every hacked client
    I've seen videos on hacked clients
    Some use commands such as: /menu, .menu, ~menu, and alot of other commands
    Yet, the "." check, or the tilda check, or any check would be fine.
    Just a small addon...
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