NMS: NoSuchMethodException

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CoderMusgrove, Mar 18, 2014.

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    Hello, all, I am fairly new to reflection, and NMS itself. So I followed some tutorials that were a bit old from a minecraft version or two that hasn't been updated. I was looking into the one by Ivan about Custom Path Tiles. I noticed I was getting this NoSuchMethodException, and so I went to see how I could fix it. So in his code, he is grabbing the private field 'a' from the class PathfindingGoalSelector. The fields follow (v1_5_R2):
    private List a = new UnsafeList();
    private List b = new UnsafeList();
    private final MethodProfiler c;
    private int d = 0;
    private int e = 3;
    Once again, he was accessing the field 'a'.

    Then when we look into the newest version (v1_7_R1) here are the fields:
    private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger();
    private List b = new UnsafeList();
    private List c = new UnsafeList();
    private final MethodProfiler d;
    private int e;
    private int f = 3;
    So now that first List is now named 'b', so I switched the 'a' out for a 'b', but I still get that exception. Is this because the field is private? If that's not the problem, what what is it?
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