Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by sniddunc, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I am looking for a plugin developer who can code a plugin similar to MineZ/WarZ's. (Like DayZ)
    I already have all the guns and kits worked out-
    What I need:

    -Zombies randomly spawn across the world in amounts defined in a config file. (During Day and Night. They don't burn in sunlight.)

    -A chest tool. When you left click with a stick it makes the chest automatically generate and regenerate items specified in the config. If you destroy it, it removes it. Config must be able to define the probability of them being in one of these chests. (Must also be able to edit their names, Names must support color codes!)

    -Thirst (EXP Bar) When empty, you take a specified damage amount after a specified time (In seconds) When you drink water, it re-fils your EXP bar, effectively hydrating you.

    -Food. You can Always eat food, even if on full hunger. If you're hungry, it heals some hunger. If you're hurt, it heals you. Feed amount and Heal amount defined in config, along with the food's item ID.

    -Healing: Normal Health Regen has to be disabled. When taking damage, there's a defined probability that you will bleed or break your legs. Bleeding damages you a specified amount of health at a specified interval, and Leg breaking gives you a slowness effect when you fall from 8 Blocks.

    -Friends: This allows the /Friend command. Players can add friends with /Friend Add <Username>, Or delete friends with: /Friend del <username>. If both players added each-other as friends, the name above their heads turn blue (&9), and it disables pvp between them.
    When you add a friend it must say this message: "&9You added &b<USERNAME> &9as a friend!" If you delete a friend it says: "&b<USERNAME> &9has been removed from your friends list". Once both players add each-other a friends, it will say: "&9You and &b<USERNAME> &9are now friends!"

    -Compass: Compasses have 2 modes: Friend and Enemy. If on friend mode, it points to your nearest friend. If on enemy mode, it points to the nearest person you're not friends with.
    To cycle between modes, you have to right click while holding the compass.
    This must also broadcast "&6Mode switched to: &c<MODE>".

    EXAMPLE CONFIG: (What it could be like)


    ChestWand: <WandID>
    RefillDelay: <Time elapsed before chests re-fill. In seconds)
    RefillMessage: <Message it broadcasts to the whole server when chests are refilled>
    Distance: <DISTANCE Zombies will spawn from the player.)
    Amount: <Number of zombies that will spawn in one cluster.)
    Drops: <Should zombies drop items? (True/False)>
    Effects: (Effects that zombies give when they bite)
    Blindness: <True/False> <Chance(1-100)>
    Nausea: <True/False> <Chance(1-100)>
    Hunger: <True/False> <Chance(1-100)>
    ID: <ID>
    Feeds: <Feed points it feeds>
    Heals: <Health points it heals>
    DisableNormalRegen: <True/False> (Disables the normal minecraft health regen)
    Enabled: <True/False>
    Message: <Message it tells the player when they start bleeding>
    Damage: <Amount of health points it removes>
    Interval: <Delay in seconds before damaging again>
    HealingItem: <Item ID> (The item you right click with to heal this effect.)
    HealingMessage: <Message it tells the player when they heal themselves>
    Enabled: <True/False>
    Message: <Message it tells the player when they break their legs>
    Effect: <Potion effect ID>
    HealingItem: <ItemID> (The item you right click with to heal this effect._
    HealingMessage: <Message it tells the player when they heal their legs>
    Enabled: <True/False>
    Enabled: <True/False>
    Enabled: <True/False>
    Damage: <Amount damaged if exp bar is empty.>
    Interval: <The interval is damages you by.>

    Now, I understand this is a HUGE plugin, but It will create a very awesome server.
    Thank you, if you end up taking this up, or taking the time to read this.
  2. Offline


    Well, technically I just sort of skimmed it, but I think I got most of it.
    What was most clear, however, was the blatant disregard for the READ ME FIRST post stickied at the top of this forum. Pretty please, use the standardized format, as it makes it SO much easier for us devs to read your request.
  3. Offline


    That is looking really interesting! I'll start develop it.

    I have to say that I don't know MineZ, WarZ, DayZ. If you need something from these things in your plugin, you didn't described yet, do it!

    Edit 2: -removed-
  4. Offline


    Please post in this format-


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