Need help with Sign

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Quantas, Jun 8, 2012.

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    Hey there!

    I've just started to develop my first bukkit plugin, and i'm not going well with it.
    The plugin i would like to write is easy: You got a sign, write [Something] to line 0 - it changes the color to red, and puts it to line 1 -, you put a number (X, 1-64) to line 3, and whenever a player right clicks the sign, it'll execute a command and gives him X gold block to it's inventory.

    So i've already made the lines of the sign, the number, and the adding of the item to the inventory - with stacking, if the item already exists in the inventory -, but how can i make the plugin to execute a command? Like /spawn, /home, or some kind of teleport command?

    This is my first plugin, so please, don't be so angry :) Oh, and also, i've never developed in Java before, but i've been using C# for almost 2 years, so i'm not that kind of newbie guy.
  2. Offline


    Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, command);
    'sender' can either be a player or Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), and 'command' is a sting holding the command + arguments.
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